Kitten and the Night Watchman

The night watchman hugs his wife and kids and drives to work. 
All night he is alone. 
Every hour he makes his rounds. 

He sees the stars twinkling. He hears the sounds of the night: 
ki-DEE ki-DEE ki-DEE 
Woof! Woof! Woof! 


When he is joined by a stray kitten, the night suddenly seems different. Has the kitten found a new home? 

Kitten and the Night Watchman is inspired by the true story of author John Sullivan meeting a stray cat while working as a night watchman. The cat, Beebe, was John’s companion for seventeen years.



AR Reading Level 2.0

AR Point .5

Word Count 295

Our Library

When Miss Goose announces that the library is going to close forever, Raccoon and his friends spring into action. Where will they get the help they need to save their beloved library? In books, of course! This cheery tale shows how important libraries are to every community. Bright, playful illustrations enhance the light treatment of this serious subject, in a story that celebrates the value of books in everyone’s lives.

Adaptability, Courage, Critical Thinking-Problem Solving, Initiative, Kindness, Optimism, Perseverance, Patience, Responsibility, Self Confidence, Teamwork


AR Reading Level 2.4

AR Point .5

Word Count 744

Swan: The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova


One night, young Anna’s mother takes her to the ballet, and everything is changed. So begins the journey of a girl who will one day grow up to be the most famous prima ballerina of all time, inspiring legions of dancers after her: the brave, the generous, the transcendently gifted Anna Pavlova.

Leadership, Self Confidence, Perseverance, Patience


AR Reading Level 2.5

AR Point .5

Word Count 643


The gardener’s thankful for every green sprout.

The fireman, for putting the fire out.

The artist is thankful for color and light.

The clown for her costume silly and bright.

Thankful, written by beloved children’s author Eileen Spinelli and illustrated by Archie Preston, combines charming rhymes and whimsical illustrations to convey the importance of being thankful for everyday blessings. Like the gardener thankful for every green sprout, and the firefighter, for putting the fire out, children are encouraged to be thankful for the many blessings they find in their lives. Spinelli exhibits her endearing gift for storytelling with this engaging poem, reminding children how blessed and special they are. Meant to be read aloud, this heartwarming board book will be a treasured keepsake for parents and children alike.



AR Reading Level 2.1

AR Point .5

Word Count 160

Penny and Her Marble


Penny found a marble as blue and perfect as the sky. The marble is smooth and the marble is fast, but the marble does not belong to her. It belongs to her neighbor, Mrs. Goodwin. Now Penny is worried she’s taken something important, but a chance encounter with Mrs. Goodwin puts all her fears to rest.



AR Reading Level 2.5

AR Point .5

Word Count 876

One Bright Ring


A girl sees a man drop the ring he means to use to propose to his girlfriend. The little girl tries to give it back to him, but things keep getting in her way! Follow this brave girl and count the obstacles she overcomes in her adventure to return the ring to its owner. She catches up to him just as he realizes he doesn’t have the ring anymore . . . so she drops it in just the right place for him to find it.


Initiative, Kindness, Perseverance, Trustworthiness


AR Reading Level 2.0

AR Point .5

Word Count 232

Samson in the Snow


One sunny day Samson, a large and friendly woolly mammoth, encounters a little red bird who is looking for yellow flowers for her mouse friend (whose favorite color is yellow). As she flies off with the flowers, Samson wonders what it must be like to have a friend. He wonders this for so long, in fact, that he falls asleep and wakes up to a world covered in snow. In the midst of a blizzard, Samson finds and shelters the little red bird and flower-loving mouse in a tender tale of kindness and unexpected friendship.

Kindness, Critical Thinking-Problem Solving


AR Reading Level 2.9

AR Point .5

Word Count 677

Squirrel’s New Year’s Resolution


Squirrel knows that New Year’s Day is a great day for making resolutions! But what does it mean to make a resolution, anyway? As she makes visits around the forest she learns about New Year’s resoltuions and helps her friends get started on theirs. If only she can think of a resolution of her very own…

Kindness, Empathy, Optimism, Excellent Attitude, Critical Thinking-Problem Solving


AR Reading Level 2.5

AR Point .5

Word Count 802

Pig on the Titanic: A True Story


Everyone knows the story of the night the great ship Titanic sank. But few know the story of Maxixe, one of the unsung heroes of that night, and how this small musical pig soothed the fears of a lifeboat full of children. Based on true events, this dramatic story is told through the charming and compassionate voice of Maxixe the musical pig.



AR Reading Level 2.5

AR Point .5

Word Count 564