George Washington and the General’s Dog


Boom! Bang! Guns fire! Cannons roar! George Washington is fighting in the American Revolution. He sees a dog lost on the battlefield. Whose dog is it? How will it find its master? Early readers will be surprised to find out what happens in this little-known true story about America’s first president.

Empathy, Fairness, Kindness, Leadership, Responsibility, Trustworthiness


AR Reading Level 2.5

AR Point .5

Word Count 719

Wagon Wheels

Based on  a true story!

After the Civil War, the Muldie boys and their father came along way to Kansas to look for land.

They had heard about the Homestead Act, which promised free land to anyone who was willing to settle the West.

They build a dugout house and live through a hard winter, saved from starvation by a band Osage Indians.

Spring comes and daddy moves on to find a better home for them.  The three boys are left to fend for themselves, and when at last daddy sends for them the boys must find courage to brave dangers of the wilderness alone.

Courage, Leadership, Responsibility, Teamwork, and Trustworthiness


AR Reading Level 2.6

AR Point .5

Word Count 1619


A Hat for Mrs. Goldman – A Story About Knitting and Love

Mrs. Goldman always knits hats for everyone in the neighborhood, and Sophia, who thinks knitting is too hard, helps by making the pom-poms. But now winter is here, and Mrs. Goldman herself doesn’t have a hat—she’s too busy making hats for everyone else!

It’s up to Sophia to buckle down and knit a hat for Mrs. Goldman. But try as Sophia might, the hat turns out lumpy, the stitches aren’t even, and there are holes where there shouldn’t be holes. Sophia is devastated until she gets an idea that will make Mrs. Goldman’s hat the most wonderful of all.

Readers both young and old will relate to Sophia’s frustrations, as well as her delight in making something special for someone she loves.

Empathy and Critical Thinking-Problem Solving


AR Reading Level 2.7

AR Point .5

Word Count 794

Little Bear’s Little Boat Eve Bunting


In this heartwarming book about generosity and growing up Little Bear realizes he has outgrown his favorite boat. He quickly decides he will find another little bear that will love his boat as much as he did. After searching the forest all summer long Big Bear finds a little bear and gives his much loved boat away. The new owner promises to pass it along when he too outgrows it. It brings Big bear happiness to see little bear enjoying his old boat and on the last page you will see Big Bear building himself a new and much larger boat.

ATOS Book Level 2.5
Word Count 486