The Eternal Soldier: The True Story of How a Dog Became a Civil War Hero

During the Civil War, Sallie came to the 11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry as a gift from a townsperson, but she quickly became a favorite among her men. She marched with them from battle to battle, always guarding the unit’s colors, and even met President Lincoln. And over three long days at the battle of Gettysburg, Sallie stayed with the dead, guarded their bodies, and nearly died herself from hunger and thirst as the conflict raged on. Though she fell in battle, her loyalty was rewarded years later when her men met again on the battlefield at Gettysburg to erect her likeness in bronze so that she might eternally guard them. This beautiful story about a dog’s dedication and loyalty shows that bravery comes in all shapes and forms!

Effort, Courage, Kindness, Teamwork, Adaptability, Perseverance, Trustworthiness, Leadership, Responsibility, Patience


New or Not Yet Leveled

Bunny’s Book Club Goes to School

Bunny and his forest friends meet at the town library every Saturday morning for book club. But one summer day, their library buddy Josie confesses to Bunny that she’s nervous about starting school. Bunny has an idea: He’ll go with her! Soon, Bunny’s friends Bear, Raccoon, Bird, Porcupine, Squirrel, Mole, Mouse, and Frog decide to join him—and Josie’s first day of school turns into a critter-filled adventure! 
For any child starting school, here’s a comforting, funny, and very fuzzy celebration of friendship that will make everyone excited to hit the books.

Kindness, Perseverance, Initiative, Critical Thinking-Problem Solving, Leadership, Innovation, Responsibility, Teamwork, Patience, Trustworthiness, Adaptability, Creativity, Effort, Cleverness, Excellent Attitude


New or Not Yet Leveled

Penny and Her Marble


Penny found a marble as blue and perfect as the sky. The marble is smooth and the marble is fast, but the marble does not belong to her. It belongs to her neighbor, Mrs. Goodwin. Now Penny is worried she’s taken something important, but a chance encounter with Mrs. Goodwin puts all her fears to rest.



AR Reading Level 2.5

AR Point .5

Word Count 876

One Bright Ring


A girl sees a man drop the ring he means to use to propose to his girlfriend. The little girl tries to give it back to him, but things keep getting in her way! Follow this brave girl and count the obstacles she overcomes in her adventure to return the ring to its owner. She catches up to him just as he realizes he doesn’t have the ring anymore . . . so she drops it in just the right place for him to find it.


Initiative, Kindness, Perseverance, Trustworthiness


AR Reading Level 2.0

AR Point .5

Word Count 232

George Washington and the General’s Dog


Boom! Bang! Guns fire! Cannons roar! George Washington is fighting in the American Revolution. He sees a dog lost on the battlefield. Whose dog is it? How will it find its master? Early readers will be surprised to find out what happens in this little-known true story about America’s first president.

Empathy, Fairness, Kindness, Leadership, Responsibility, Trustworthiness


AR Reading Level 2.5

AR Point .5

Word Count 719

Alexander Hamilton: From Orphan to Founding Father


Did you know that one of our Founding Fathers was not born in America? An orphan from the West Indies, Alexander Hamilton came to the colonies and played an important role in the Revolutionary War, rising to become General George Washington’s right-hand man. But his accomplishments don’t stop there! He helped obtain the ratification of the Constitution; he was America’s first secretary of the treasury; and he established the first national bank and the U.S. Mint. A man of ambition, loyalty, and principle, he is now being celebrated as the prominent patriot he was.


Courage, Initiative, Leadership, Responsibility, Teamwork, Trustworthiness


AR Reading Level 3.7

AR Point .5

Word Count 996

Wagon Wheels

Based on  a true story!

After the Civil War, the Muldie boys and their father came along way to Kansas to look for land.

They had heard about the Homestead Act, which promised free land to anyone who was willing to settle the West.

They build a dugout house and live through a hard winter, saved from starvation by a band Osage Indians.

Spring comes and daddy moves on to find a better home for them.  The three boys are left to fend for themselves, and when at last daddy sends for them the boys must find courage to brave dangers of the wilderness alone.

Courage, Leadership, Responsibility, Teamwork, and Trustworthiness


AR Reading Level 2.6

AR Point .5

Word Count 1619