 Is the UpliftStories booklist free?
A: Yes, our booklist is completely free.

Q: What is the easiest way to get the books on your booklist?
A: Did you know that your library has a free service that makes finding these books a breeze? Just request a hold online from your local library and you will get notified when they are ready for pickup. Your stack of books will be waiting for you!

Q: Does UpliftStories have a printable version of the booklist?
A: Yes, we have a free print-out of our booklist. Get your copy here.

Q: How do I know if the book is my child’s reading level?
A: We have listed on each book its AR reading level, AR point count, word count, genre, and character traits.

Q: What is AR?
A: Discover AR here.

Q: What is the age level for your booklist?
A: Our booklist is recommended for ages 4 – 12, and all books are wonderful to read aloud to the whole family!

Q: What if I get to the end of the booklist?
A: Our booklist is constantly growing! 

Q: Can I contact UpliftStories for book recommendations?
A: We love any recommendations! Contact us!

Q: Is there any social media for UpliftStories?
A: Yes. Follow us on Instagram @UpliftStories

Q: What is RoleModel Reader?
A: UpliftStories was previously named RoleModel Reader.

Contact us for any further questions!